Are you considering Breast Augmentation surgery?

Are you considering Breast Augmentation surgery?

August 13, 2016 by Grainne Farrell0

Here are some important points to think about when deciding if Breast Augmentation surgery is for you.


It is likely you will need a second breast augmentation surgery

There are many reasons why women might require a second breast augmentation surgery in Thailand, such as pregnancy or weight-loss. The time in which your breast implants will last will vary from women to women. The shape of the breast implant could distort over many years. You may even find that later down the line you would rather have larger or smaller breast and elect for a breast augmentation revision surgery.


Time off work/exercise

Usually you will only need one full week off work when having breast augmentation. However if you’re having breast augmentation in Thailand you will need to factor in days spent travelling. The recommended length of stay in Thailand after having breast augmentation is 5 -7 days. This gives you enough time to recover and schedule your follow up appointments. Once you return home you should be able to begin work straight away. If your work involves any physical activity then you would need to take longer off work. Put your exercise regime on hold; it is advised not to do any strenuous exercise for up to 6 weeks after breast augmentation surgery


Realistic expectations

It’s important to do your research and be able to explain to your surgeon exactly what you would like the outcome of your breast augmentation to be.

You may already know which sized implant, placement and incision you want. Be prepared for this all to change after your initial consultation with your surgeon in Thailand. The same sized implant will look completely different on each body type and frame.

Don’t expect to go big, fast. Your skin needs time to stretch and adjust. Your surgeon will only advise an implant size that your body can handle. If you feel at a later date you still want to go bigger, this is possible after your body has adapted to your current implants.


Under or over the muscle

Many women choose to have the implant placed under the muscle to give a more natural result. Under the muscle placement can mean you are slightly sorer for longer after the surgery.


Breast Augmentation Blues 

The days/week following you surgery you may not be feeling yourself. Anaesthetic and other medications can alter your mood. You will feel very tired and possibly more emotional. This is completely normal so try to remember this if you’re not feeling 100% in the days after your Breast Augmentation surgery.

You may also gain a few Kg’s in weight immediately after your surgery. Not only from the weight of your implants but also from swelling, fluid and bloating. This is normal so don’t stress if you have gained weight over-night. The swelling and fluid levels will reduce drastically in the weeks after your surgery.

Bruising can occur in strange places on your body where you might not expect it too. This is normal and nothing to worry about


Know your breasts before having breast augmentation

Make sure you’re aware of the current variations in your breast such as, nipple and cup-size. These differences could become more noticeable after breast augmentation. No two breasts are exactly alike.


Breast Augmentation and Breast feeding

If the incision is made in the breast fold or under your arm your ability to breast feed should not be affected. If however, an incision is made around your nipple your ability to be able to breast feed would likely be affected.


Breast Cancer screening after having breast augmentation

Routinely checking your breasts is very important. It’s a good idea to have a breast exam with your doctor before surgery and if you are due a mammogram, request this before surgery. Discuss with your surgeon possible effects of future mammograms regarding the implant placement


Change in posture

A natural and an augmented breast weigh near enough the same amount. If however, you choose a very large implant that is perhaps not in proportion with your frame you could experience changes to your posture. Your surgeon will advise you on which sized implants are suitable for your frame so not to alter your posture.


Here are some useful questions to answer to help you decide if breast augmentation is for you

  • Why do I want breast augmentation surgery?
  • How unhappy am I with my breasts at the moment?
  • Am I able to take the time off work for the surgery?
  • Am I fully informed of the risks and possible implications of breast augmentation surgery?