When travelling abroad most people buy a travel insurance policy which insures them against things like theft, accidents and flight delays. If deciding to have medical or dental procedures overseas it can be a good idea to combine travel insurance with a type of medical insurance that insures you if having elective medical procedures overseas.
Lotus Medical has looked at many of these insurance packages and we feel that Global Protective Solutions offer a very comprehensive package that can be tailored to your specific needs. GPS has developed and discovered insurance solutions for medical tourists and the medical tourism industry. GPS provides benefits for participating medical tourists or medical travelers from almost any country for accidents and complications.
Even with the best surgeons and best hospitals medical procedures always carry a certain amount of risk so we would urge you to think about taking out this type of insurance. You can read more and apply for a quote directly through the following link:
Grainne Farrell – CEO & Founder
We are here to answer any questions you may have about our services. Reach out to us and we’ll respond as soon as we can!
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