Face Lift Archives - Lotus Medical International

September 22, 2019 Grainne FarrellFace Lift

Rhytidectomy, also known as a facelift, helps improve the visible aging signs caused by effects of sun exposure, stress, and gravity. This surgical procedure involves the removal of excess fat and skin, tightening of the underlying muscles and also re-draping the neck and facial skin.

As you plan for your facelift procedure in Thailand, it is important to factor in the recovery time after the surgery. Also, keep in mind that the healing period will vary from individual to individual. But, generally, for most patients of good health, a noticeable level of swelling may be reduced at least the first 10 days post-surgery.

However, since this procedure is a major surgery, you should expect to have a lengthy healing process. Also, based on the type of facelift surgery you have received, you might have to stay all night in a hospital. Alternatively, you might need to recover in your hotel room and your surgeon will make sure that you have a registered nurse present in the first 24 hours post surgery to cater for any needs you might have.

Below are several helpful tips that you can use during your recovery journey after a facelift.

Minimal movement is recommended

After the initial 24 hours following your surgery, you are encouraged to slowly get out of the bed and move around to get the circulation going which works towards speeding recovery. Taking small bathroom trips or moving around the house is encouraged, however, do not overdo it. You’ll still be feeling rather fatigued. Suitable activities for the first week are watching TV, reading quietly, sitting up in bed, or performing light housework.


To help minimise swelling yet speed up healing, be sure to keep the head elevated for 2 to 3 days. It is important to elevate your head as it will reduce the recovery time. Failing to do so might prolong the recovery time and can result in disturbing facial asymmetry.

Shampoo and Shower After The Dressings Have Been Removed

You might experience some numbness and tightness on the face and neck which will generally resolve after two months. This tightness you feel is usually because of the swelling. When the swelling starts to go down, the skin will loosen and stabilise. When you notice this do not panic that the procedure didn’t work. Also, immediately after surgery, the face will normally look less wrinkled due to swelling. However, numbness might persist for a few months and then will gradually improve.

Do light physical activities

Avoid engaging in strenuous activities like working out and only keep it light such as doing light housework or light walking. You might want to resume work after your second week which you could do unless your work involves serious physical exertion. Again, your doctor will offer you information on how you can apply light and friendly post-op make up if you getting self-conscious about the residual bruising.

Stay positive

The healing process after surgery can be quite slow, and it can often be outright painful or uncomfortable. Due to this, it is so important that you adopt a positive outlook and attitude as you go into recovery. Staying positive during your healing process after your facelift will go along way in reducing your anxiety levels. Studies show that a positive attitude can influence the speed of the recovery period.

Keep reminding yourself as to why you opted to have plastic surgery and proceed to imagine how happier you are going to be with the new look once you’ve healed. Talk to your doctor when you notice you are getting anxious or becoming depressed about your looks.

Allow time for healing

Most people take one week off of school or work to recover. For the first several days, patients will experience some level of discomfort, but this will usually resolve within a week post-op.

It is also advisable for patients to sleep with their head elevated during the first week. This helps bring down any swellings. Based on how complex the case might be and individual factors, you might have some bruising around your eyes and the facelift areas. However, it will typically resolve within a week or two.

Monitor Your Incisions For Signs Of Infection

Lookout for any swelling, spreading redness, tightness, excessive pain, pus or drainage, increasing warmth. An indication of infection is having a fever of about 101 degrees Fahrenheit or more. Before getting your surgery, your doctor will give you specific instructions on ways you are to care for the operated area, medications to take orally or apply externally, specific conditions to look out for, and also when you will follow up with the surgeon or aesthetic nurse.

The Next 12 Months

Your final results of the facelift will be fully evident in the next twelve months. Typically your facelift will take this much time for it to completely mend and “settle” into the final result. In the months to come, you will be able to notice subtle shifts as the facelift continues to heal and rejuvenate your appearance.


Having an elegant neck contour will not only give you a youthful appearance but it is associated with health and vitality. Neck lifts are a set of procedures aimed at enhancing how your neck looks. Commonly referred to as a facelift or chin lift, a neck lift will give skin that has lost its elasticity a more toned and smoother appearance.

This popular cosmetic procedure attracts thousands of women and men to come to Thailand as it removes excess fat and skin around the jawline, to give you a well-defined youthful looking neck. And the results can last a long time, but keep in mind that neck lift surgery will not stop the process of ageing.

neck lift before and after

Know Your Goals

It’s important to learn about the different options available for you during your consultation. You should be in good health before going for a neck lift. Also, consult your surgeon well in advance. Here, you should know your goals and what you wish to change.

Some common concerns that may be addressed using a neck lift include excess fat, turkey wattle neck, or too much skin.

How Is a Neck Lift Performed?

There are a variety of ways that Neck lift surgery may be performed.

An incision is made behind the ears or as an alternative both in front and behind your ear, just like for facelift incision. This technique allows for the removal of excess neck skin through the incisions made behind your ears.

Another method involves making an incision under your chin without necessitating the removal of any skin and there’s no need for making incisions in front of your ears. This helps release the neck skin from underlying muscles thus allowing your skin to contract without it being removed. The platysmaplasty (platysma muscle) is tightened through incisions to the chin.

In the elderly, a zigzag incision is made on the chin to remove excess skin. Therefore, no incision is made behind or in front of the ear which helps reduce the complexity of the surgery.

Do I Qualify For a Neck Lift Procedure (Chin Lift)?

The aging process of the neck is normally a combination of some excess fat, loose muscle and skin. This results in a term popularly known as the “turkey gobbler.” For people who prefer having this area addressed and not the whole face, getting a neck lift procedure (chin lift) will be beneficial. Also, it can work for patients who want to enhance their neck contour. Typically, patients are between the 30 and 70years old.

Good candidates for chin lift(neck lift) surgery include:

  • Patients with excess skin that has lost elasticity often around the neck and under the chin area.
  • Those with excess fat under the neck and chin area.
  • Individuals who don’t have medical conditions which can increase the risk of surgery or impair the healing process.

For a chin incision technique, the level of profile improvement is best linked to skin quality. Thus, to qualify for neck lift done using chin incision technique, a candidate:

  • Should be young or middle-aged
  • Should have mild, minimal, or moderate excess skin
  • Should have moderate to mild subplatysmal fat

How To Prepare

  • Medications and food

Your doctor might advise you to avoid taking aspirin and other blood-thinning medications for several days before the surgery. Such medications may include warfarin (Jantoven, Coumadin), aspirin and heparin. Other medication include ibuprofen (IB, Motrin, Advil, and others).

  • Other precautions

Since smoking tobacco encourages wrinkling of the skin as well as slow both healing and recovery, your doctor might ask you to quit smoking before getting a neck lift surgery.

Arrange to have someone pick you up after your procedure. Also, have someone stay with you for the first night after the procedure.


What To Expect

Before the Surgery

Before having a neck lift surgery, your doctor will evaluate your health and discuss with you about your expectations and surgical goals. Your surgeon will then pick the surgical technique that will work best for you. Your surgeon might suggest other additional procedures — like eyelid surgery, brow lift, or skin resurfacing — that can help achieve the results you want.

Your face will then be examined and measured, and your surgeon might have photographs taken to help you compare how you look before and after the surgery.

During the Surgery

This procedure may be performed with sedation and using local anaesthesia, whereby only part of the body will feel numb, or even under general anaesthesia.

The most common procedure used is Liposuction. The surgeon creates a tiny incision under the chin and behind each ear. Specialised equipment is used to suctions fat from beneath the chin and on your jawline. If the only dissatisfaction you have is due to excess fat and your skin in this area is resilient, liposuction can help give you a well-defined neck.

However, Liposuction does not correct structural problems which affect your neck’s appearance. Your surgeon will discuss with you on the type of procedure that best suits your condition. This will be based on several factors, such as your desired results, cost and the cause of dissatisfaction with your neck an chin area.

What Is Involved In Recovery?

You must be patient with the recovery process from a neck lift as this takes time. Most people may resume work after 7 – 14 days. If you are physically active or participate in sports, you might have to wait for about three weeks before resuming those activities.

Your doctor may also ask you to use a medical compression bandage which helps decrease post-operative swelling. Usually, you’ll wear day and night for 5 to 7 days and thereafter only at night for some time. To ensure proper recovery, it’s important that you follow your doctor’s instructions.

Ultimately, to get the most out of the procedure, give yourself time to heal.


Visible improvements following a neck lift will become evident as bruising and swelling subside. The final results will not only give you a more rested and youthful appearance but will also boost your confidence levels.

This might take a few weeks to several months for bruising and swelling to fully disappear while the incision line will take about six months to fade. Meanwhile, ensure to protect the skin from the elements, avoid wearing clothing you’ll have to pull over your head. Again, be gentle with the surgical incisions. Our award winning staff here at Lotus Medical can assist you with any questions you may have about a neck lift in Thailand.

You might have noticed the loss of definition to your jawline due to excess fat tissue or sagging skin and you’d like to restore that youthful look. If that’s you, then a mini facelift might be the thing for you. Learning more about the basic principles of this procedure can help you have an informed consultation with your surgeon and sum-up a treatment plan that will give you beautiful and natural-looking results.

Mini facelift surgery is appealing to many women and men as it addresses some of the most conspicuous signs of aging. For instance, some people experience hormonal changes and are genetically susceptible to losing definition to their jaw. Due to this, many patients opt for mini facelift surgery to reconstruct this definition.

mini facelift in thailand

Planning and Preparation

To start, you’ll need to consult with your surgeon. As you consider having any cosmetic surgery, your doctor must give you several different options, instead of one-size-fits-all or excessive procedures. Also, before having any facelift procedure, it is particularly important to pick a plastic surgeon who consistently delivers excellent results and performs face-lift surgeries frequently.

Men, it’s noted, should choose a surgeon specifically trained in performing male facial cosmetic surgeries. Since the male facial anatomy differs from that of females, this step will guarantee natural-looking results. Again, you should find out the cosmetic options available for you should the results of the procedure fail to meet the goals you discuss.

After you and your plastic surgeon have come up with your surgical plan, proceed to schedule your procedure. You might have to ask a relative or a friend to drive you from the clinic.

Before the mini facelift, anaesthesia will be administered. Often local anaesthesia is suitable for a mini facelift as it guarantees a patient’s comfort, and it can be administered and not require a breathing tube. At the same time, the patient’s jaw will stay in its natural position, thus allowing a surgeon to deliver accurate treatment.

The Procedure

For the mini facelift procedure, your surgeon will create an incision in front of the ear, then extend from bottom of the earlobe to the hairline, behind the ear. The pattern and length of the incisions will depend on your desired results and the surgeon’s technique.

Next, your tissues are pulled upwards and outwards toward the ears. This method reduces the appearance of wrinkles, decreases sagging jowls and skin.

Once the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) and skin stretch to a position that shows your natural facial contours and bone structure, they are stitched into place, while excess tissue is clipped away. Here a surgeon might use permanent sutures, surgical staples or the removable sutures for the SMAS.

Generally, a mini facelift might take nearly two hours to complete. SMAS mini-lift has become standardised of care since skin-only (cutaneous) facelift surgery cannot deliver natural-looking results.

Getting The Most From a Mini Facelift

While no surgery can have a middle-aged patient looking like a teenager, still conservative procedures such as a mini facelift will help restore facial contours for an attractive look at any age

A mini facelift aims at giving patients results that are natural-looking. Also for maximum benefits, choose a skilled surgeon who has a reputation for delivering beautiful results, as you are likely to get an enhancement that will give you a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance.

Maintaining Your Mini Facelift

Results from a mini facelift can last 5 to 10 years. There are different kinds of non-surgical methods that are minimally invasive that may help improve and maintain your mini facelift results.

Some popular treatments to consider before and after getting a mini facelift procedure include:

  • Dermal fillers to give you youthful volume to cheeks, lips, and other parts of the face.
  • Fractional and ablative laser treatments for skin blemishes such as acne scarring and large pores.
  • BOTOX injections to stop muscle contraction temporarily that cause wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Fat grafting (fat transfer), which involves the removal of unwanted fat from one body part, like from the neck, then injecting it to the face.
  • Using Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, also know as Vampire Facelift that uses your isolated growth factors for increasing blood flow and collagen production, which is said to support skin tone rejuvenation.
  • Surgical fat removal or liposuction to get rid of stubborn fat deposits while restoring definition for specific parts of your face.
  • Exilis treatments that use radio-frequency technology for tightening the skin and increasing collagen production.

Besides having non-surgical and surgical treatments, staying healthy in general will be very beneficial to how you look. It’s also recommended that you avoid smoking before your surgery as it will help you heal thus you will look your best after recovery.

Your surgeon might prescribe specific skincare products and vitamins to take ahead of and after your surgery to retain your skin’s health. Also, ensure to maintain a healthy lifestyle which includes regular exercise, taking a balanced diet, avoiding tobacco and limited alcohol consumption.

Having a mini facelift can shave off some years and with a great skincare regimen and leading a healthy lifestyle can slow down the development of new aging signs.

Learn more about our Thailand facelift surgery procedures


While some surgeries are done for reconstructive or medical reasons, many aim to enhance a patient’s aesthetic appearance. This includes several procedures like facelifts, liposuction, brow lift, mammoplasty and tummy tuck. Cosmetic surgery helps tighten and enhance the appearance of the skin, remove or add hair, adjust facial features, and much more.

In addition, plastic surgery can be used for medical reasons, for instance for people who’ve had accidents, to repairing scarring from surgery, or in restoring the function of different body parts.

While many procedures are available today, here’s a look at the most common types of plastic surgery:

  1. Tummy Tuck

Commonly referred to as ‘tummy tuck‘, Abdominoplasty is used in improving the shape of our abdomen. This procedure helps remove excess skin, fat and restore separated or weakened abdominal muscles thus improving the profile. Tummy tucks help enhance the appearance of sagging or loose skin, but it will not get rid of stretch marks.

Even then, a tummy tuck does not replace healthy eating for weight loss or exercise routine. While tummy tucks offer permanent results, it is critical that you maintain the proper weight in order to maintain these results.

  1. Breast Augmentation

These are procedures that change the shape or increase the size of the breasts. If the breast size is increased, the procedure is also known as ‘breast implant surgery’. Again, breast augmentation is different from breast reductions or breast lifts, which are in fact different kinds of procedures.

  1. Facelift

Facelift procedures repairs loose, sagging, wrinkled or drooping facial skin. During the procedure, tissues of your face are lifted, the excess skin removed, then skin replaced over the repositioned contours. Also, neck lifts are done alongside facelifts.

Other facial procedures commonly done in conjunction with facelifts include eyelid surgery, nose reshaping, or forehead lifts.

  1. Dermabrasion

In our dermatology treatments, a specialized tool is used to gently ‘sand down’ the top skin layer. Once your top skin layer has been removed, this area heals with new skin replacing the old giving you smoother-looking skin.

Usually, dermabrasion is used for:

  • Age Spots
  • Acne scars
  • Sun-damaged skin 
  • Crow’s feet
  • Wrinkles
  • Lesions or growths on the skin
  1. Rhinoplasty

Any surgery that reshapes or repairs the nose is known as Rhinoplasty. While some people choose rhinoplasty for cosmetic purposes, others use it for medical reasons like correcting birth defects or difficulty breathing.

Rhinoplasty may be used to:

  • Correct birth defects
  • Reduce or increase the size of your nose
  • Correct problems from an injury
  • Improve or relieve breathing problems
  • Change the nose bridge shape
  • Narrowing the shape of your nostrils
  • Changing the angle of your nose
  1. Hair transplantation

Also referred to as hair restoration, hair transplantation surgery is aimed at improving the appearance of baldness. During this procedure, a bald area receives hair from areas of thick hair growth.

In one session, over a thousand hairs can be moved. However, some people might require several sessions. Hairs that are transplanted are permanent, meaning no long-term care is needed. Most hair transplants will lead to successful hair growth following the procedure.

  1. Lip augmentation

In order to have fuller-looking lips, lip augmentation may be performed. Normally, to help increase lip shape, volume or structure injectable dermal fillers can be used. This procedure is not permanent and its effects often last for about 6-months before necessitating a second procedure to restore volume and shape.

  1. Liposuction

This cosmetic procedure improves body shape by getting rid of fat deposits. Liposuction is not meant for weight loss.

Usually, localised fat deposits under the skin are removed using a pen-shaped instrument, a vacuum-suction cannula. Also, ultrasound may be used for breaking up fat deposits before it’s removed with suction.

This procedure is performed on your thighs, arms, stomach, face, hips, back and buttocks. Additionally, liposuction can get rid of fat tumours (lipomas) and even reduce the breast size in men. The procedure may be done on multiple areas in one day.

Considering Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

When you are content with how you look, you often are more confident in yourself and feel happier. But before opting for any cosmetic surgery, be sure to work with authorised surgeons and dermatologists, such as the team at Lotus Medical, who prioritise your health and goals as they help you attain your ideal look.

For those who want to change their appearance and attain their beauty goals, learning more about the specific surgery is the best way to know what to expect from the procedure.

Cosmetic Surgery is known to be a medical procedure of purely aesthetic benefits, but that is a common misconception. With more than millions of people benefitting from the countless advantages of cosmetic surgery in Thailand, the public’s understanding is getting better with each successful procedure and each patient’s success story.


What is cosmetic surgery?

It is an umbrella term for medical operation or procedure which focuses on enhancing the patient’s physical appearance, from the face to the entire body. With its rising popularity, cosmetic surgery has evolved into an entire branch of science which deals with both invasive or non-invasive procedures all aimed to enhance the physical appearance of the patient.


The five most common cosmetic surgery procedures in Thailand are:

Invasive procedures involve those that require the doctor or the surgeon to make an incision to access certain muscles or tissues in a specific region of the body. A non-invasive procedure, on the other hand, pertains to not having any kind of break in the skin when administering any procedures. With the current advancements in the field of medical technology, minimally invasive procedures are now available, which means other surgeries may be done with only a smaller cut made and lesser pain for the patient to endure.

In Australia, an estimate of about 500,000 cosmetic surgeries are carried out each year and the rate is growing rapidly per year as well. The industry has grown to a billion-dollar business that has simply outrun America’s own statistics when it comes to the number of procedures done per year.


The benefits of cosmetic surgery

Patients get more than just the aesthetic benefits of cosmetic surgery in Phuket Thailand, they also maximize the other advantages in the different aspects of their wellbeing. Of course, the main motivation of most patients in deciding to go under the knife is usually to look better. However, successful cosmetic surgeries allow patients not only to look better to feel better and live better as well.

Aside from the primary aesthetic aspect, the benefits of cosmetic surgery include:

  • Improved self-esteem and improved self-confidence.

Imagine battling stubborn fat in the midsection of the body for years and having the option to instantly get leaner through liposuction. Because of the dramatic change in their physical appearance, patients feel empowered and emboldened by their new look, which translates into a more confident person with a more positive outlook in life.

  • Increased physical comfort and ease.

With breast reduction procedures, patients are relieved by the burdensome back problems that come from having large breasts. Patients can move freely and easily as well because their chests aren’t as large as it was before the operation.

  • Improved health and bodily functions.

Especially for nose reshaping or rhinoplasty, patients may experience improvement in their breathing because the procedure not only improves the appearance but it also widens the air passageway for the patient.

  • Increased motivation to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

As patients hear the compliments and the rave reviews of their new physical appearance, most of them are motivated to control their weight and to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Overweight patients can enjoy physical exercises, such as running, cycling, and swimming, without the extra pounds weighing them down.


What to expect after the procedure?

For non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures, such as botox fillers or lip injections, the patient is allowed to go home right after and they are to be cautious about the injection site feeling painful to touch or the affected area to develop redness and swelling within the first 48 hours.

For invasive surgeries, on the other hand, patients are to stay inside the hospital postoperative for continuous monitoring of the surgery site and for any signs of complications, such as fever, severe swelling, pain, and other tell-tale signs of infection. Antibiotics and pain relievers are given, even until the patient is to be discharged from the facility. Continuous follow-up check-ups with the surgeon are required to closely monitor the operation site until it is fully healed.


Cosmetic Surgery Cost

It is best to thoroughly discuss with your trusted cosmetic surgeon the details of the procedure and how much exactly are you to spend to from the pre-operation stage up to the follow-up visits that you are to complete after the surgery. Also, see your insurance company and discuss the scope and limitations of cosmetic surgery included in your insurance plan. Please click here to see our cosmetic surgery costs 

A mini face lift is much different to a lower face and neck lift or full facelift.  A mini face lift will only target the jaw area or lower third of the face; giving you a more defined jaw line by eliminating sagging and wrinkles in this area.

Aside from the obvious benefit of reversing the signs of aging with a mini face lift, a mini face lift has many other benefits when comparing it to a lower face and neck lift or full face lift. A mini face lift is much less invasive. Therefore the recovery is much shorter and the scaring is minimal. Incisions are made around the curves of your ears or in your hairline and after time are barely visible.

A mini facelift will give you instant results with a much simpler recovery, it does not require you to stay overnight in the hospital as is can be done under local anaesthetic. The results are noticeable straight away and there is less bruising, swelling and scaring as the surgery is less invasive. You will also not be required to wear the bandages and compression garments for as long as you would for a lower face or full face lift. Many clients think that a mini face lift is more appealing for these reasons. However, our surgeons very rarely recommend this procedure because although the results from a mini face lift are good they are not long lasting. You could expect the results to last for up to 5 to 10 years. Whereas the results from a lower or full face lift are likely to last a lifetime this is due to the fact that when having a lower face or full face lift muscular layer beneath the skin is manipulated as well as the removal and tightening of excess skin.

This is the main difference between a mini face lift and a lower face or full face lift; a mini face lift is a tightening of the skin only. It is a tailor made surgery and should only be performed by surgeons who are experience in this surgery and continually deliver good results. Lotus medical has spent vast amounts of time researching our surgeons and we have worked with them for 8 years now. If you are a suitable client for a mini face lift we will refer you to the most appropriate and experienced surgeon in this field.

A lower face or full face lift not only involves the tightening of the skin like a mini face lift but it also involves the manipulation of the muscular layer beneath the skin. As a mini facelift does not involve any adjustment to the muscular layer it means that the results of a mini face lift do not last as long as the muscular layer is what is mostly responsible for the sagging of the face.

If you would like more information on the many different facial surgeries Lotus medical provide, please email us directly at [email protected].


At Lotus Medical we organize all of your transfers to and from the airport, hotel and hospital, have you sent us your flight and accommodation details yet? We also request a copy of your Passport to pre-register you at the airport. Make sure you have sent this to us so we can organize all of your transfers.

If you have booked your cosmetic surgery holiday in Thailand independently then you will most likely be able to use the airport transfers when you arrive. Often hotels can organize this for you, or the hospital in which you have booked your surgery with may include transfers.


When you arrive in Thailand you can get a 30 day tourist visa upon arrival. If you’re planning on staying longer then you can apply for a 60 day tourist visa before you arrive in Thailand. Visit the following webs page for more info http://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand/thailand-visa-types.php or email us and we can help advise you on what is best for you.


Are you on any types of medication for any pre-existing conditions? You need to notify your surgeon of these, simply enter this information on the online registration form you initially completed. Your surgeon will tell you if you can continue to take your medication or if you need to stop the medication at some point prior to your cosmetic surgery procedure. This will also depend on if you are having general or local anesthetic. You must also stop taking Aspirin or any vitamins 2 weeks prior to having cosmetic surgery


You will be sent all the details you need for your cosmetic surgery trip as soon as your date is confirmed in this document you will see that you need to stop eating or drinking 8 hours prior to your appointment.

Paying for surgery

If you have booked Lotus Medical’s added support services then this fee is taken within one week of securing your surgery date. You can just pay the hospital directly for you surgery using any major credit or debit card. The hospital will also accept cash in most currencies and if you would like to pay before you arrive in Thailand then bank transfers are to be made at least two weeks before your surgery date. You should know that the final costs and surgical plan is not drawn up until you have seen the surgeon face-to-face, this is why it is a good idea to just pay the hospital on the day of your cosmetic surgery procedure.

Post-surgery compression garments

After most cosmetic procedures you will be required to wear a compression garment or support bra if having breast surgery. The hospital can provide these but we often recommend buying one prior to arriving in Thailand. We can advise you on where is best to buy these.

Your consultation

When you arrive at the hospital you will have the standard pre-surgery medical tests, these include a blood pressure measurement, a blood test, an ECG and a chest X-Ray. Additional tests may be required if you have any existing health concerns or previous conditions. Not all of these additional tests will be included in the surgery package.

Once these tests are complete you will have your face to face consultation with your surgeon. This is your chance to ask your surgeon as many questions as you need so that you fully understand the final surgical plan and for you to communicate your expected outcome. It is a good idea to do some research into the procedure so that you are more knowledgeable and realistic about the types of results you can expect from your cosmetic surgery procedure. For some surgeries even showing the surgeon some images of results that you would like to achieve. Remember though that every body is different and what might suit one person’s frame may not suit yours. You should leave your consultation feeling happy, relaxed and well informed.  Preparing your questions before hand may help to ensure you cover everything you want to know about your cosmetic surgery procedure.


Step 1 to your cosmetic surgery holiday

Make an enquiry with Lotus Medical International about the type of cosmetic surgery holiday that you would like. One of our team members will the contact you by email with information on average cost for the type of procedure you would like as well as additional information about the types of cosmetic surgery holiday packages that we offer. If you have sent us your phone number, we will also call you to answer any further questions that you might have.

Step 2 to your cosmetic surgery holiday

Lotus Medical will arrange an online consultation with our medical team regarding your particular case. You will be asked to send us some photos and a completed medical history questionnaire. You are not under any obligation to book with us by using this service. We will discuss your information with our team of surgeons and/or dentists. You will then receive detailed feedback, a final quote and a recommended length of stay in Thailand for your cosmetic surgery holiday.

Step 3 to your cosmetic surgery holiday

The next step is then to decide on a date for your cosmetic surgery holiday in Thailand. Before making any travel arrangements, we will confer with the surgeon and confirm the date with you. Our team will then talk you through our medical packages with the option to book any choice. They will arrange your transfers and an English speaking medical host to walk you through the process. If you would also like help with flights and accommodation our travel co-coordinator will also contact you.

At this stage, an itinerary of your trip will be sent to you. We will we then ask that you pay a $395 non-refundable deposit. If for some reason you need to change the date of your surgery, as long as you give us more than seven days’ notice, we will hold the deposit towards your next planned surgery date.  You just pay the hospital directly on the day of your surgery.


Step 4 to your cosmetic surgery holiday

Upon your arrival in Thailand, a driver will pick you from the designated meeting point at the airport and then take you to the hotel. The driver will again pick you up (usually the following morning) to take you to the hospital for your medical consultation. After your consultation you will go through medical tests to make sure that you are fit and healthy for cosmetic surgery. Your surgery will usually take place either the same day as your consultation or the following day.

It is important to remember not to eat anything after 12 AM on the day of your surgery unless told otherwise by the surgeon or hospital staff. After the surgery, you will stay as a patient at the hospital for the designated number of nights. When the plastic surgeon gives permission for your release, your medical host will come to meet you to help with hospital check out. Your driver will then take you back to the hotel. While still in Thailand, you will have one or two follow-up appointments with your surgeon. Your medical host will notify you of this at the appropriate times.

During your follow-up appointments, your surgeon will remove any dressings, take out any stitches, and give advice for you to follow through the recovery phase of your cosmetic surgery holiday. If at any stage after surgery you would like to see your surgeon or a nurse then just give your medical host a call on the mobile phone that we will provide. Your host will assist in arranging any additional appointments.

Step 5 to your cosmetic surgery holiday

Your driver will collect the ‘new you’ and take you to the airport fully rejuvenated to start your journey home to your family, looking and feeling fabulous!

Opting to have cosmetic surgery is always a big decision. As you have chosen to book your surgery through Lotus Medical International you can be rest assured that your surgery will be performed by top class surgeons in a superb hospital. You can also be confident that you will receive the highest level of care.

There are some things that you can do to enhance your experience. We have put together a small list of do’s and don’ts to facilitate you during your surgery and recovery.

 Do’s – recommended by Lotus and our Top Class Surgeons:

  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself well hydrated in the days before and after your surgery.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in the days before and the weeks after your surgery. If at all possible eat raw foods; the nutrients that these provide can help the body to heal quicker.
  • Relax as much as possible for the days before your surgery and get plenty of sleep. We know that it is only natural to get a bit nervous but do your best to relax, you are in good hands.
  • Why not try a Thai massage the day before to help to rid your body of toxins and to help you get in to a really relaxed state before your surgery.
  • Make sure that you have a lot of loose fitting clothes with you. Your movement may be slightly restricted after surgery, depending on the type of surgery that you have, it is best to have clothes that are easy to get on and off.
  • If you are in any pain or feel sick at any time after your surgery ask for medication. Although rare this can sometimes be a side effect of the pain relief medication. If you are no longer in the hospital and you feel like you need more medication, call your Lotus Medical Representative and they will organise it for you.
  • Follow the advice that our top class surgeons have given you before surgery
  • Give yourself ample time to rest and recover after your surgery. Try to do as little as possible for as long as possible. You will be able to resume most activities within a few days but please give yourself time to rest every day.
  • Inform your flight company that you have had surgery. Flight companies like to know this information and quite often they will try to accommodate you by giving you more room on the plane and by making sure you are well looked after during your flight.
  • Ask our top class surgeons if they recommend that you take aspirin or wear flight stockings during your flight home.
  • Call your Lotus Medical Assistant if you need anything.
  • Enjoy the results and the new you!


Don’ts- recommended by Lotus and our Top Class Surgeons:

  • Smoke or drink alcohol for the days before and after your surgery if at all possible. Capsular contraction after Breast Augmentation Surgery is twice as common in women who smoke so if you can, try to stop in the weeks immediately before and after your surgery.
  • Many people choose to stay in a spa to help them on their road to recovery after their surgery and this is a great idea. Just be aware that any type of massage is contraindicated for a couple of weeks after surgery as it can increase the chances of blood clot formation.
  • Don’t try to do too much in the days after your surgery. It takes time for the body to heal after surgery, please listen to what your body is telling you and take time to relax; it will pay dividends in the long run.
  • Don’t fly too soon after your surgery. The major airlines recommend that you do not fly for 10 days after major surgery. We endorse this however you can fly home as soon as your stitches have been removed.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask us or our top class surgeons questions no matter how small. We have an experienced team on hand to support you before, during and after your surgery. If you have any questions, even if they may seem silly, ask either one of your medical team or your Lotus Medical assistant.

The lower face and neck areas are areas in which the signs of ageing begin to become most noticeable. Most are not too affected when those fine lines and wrinkles begin to set in but it’s when your skin begins to lose its youthful tightness and sagging occurs that we really feel it’s time for action. This is exactly what a lower face lift does; it eliminates that sagging and loose skin around the jaw that is the give-away aging signs. To target the loose skin around the neck a neck lift would also be required. It is very rare that a lower face lift would be performed without a neck lift also. A lower face lift will also raise the corners of the mouth. A suitable candidate for a lower face lift would be someone who is concerned with the loose skin around their jaw line and neck and the turned down corners of the mouth. Usually a suitable candidate will still have some elasticity in their skin and they are not too concerned with other areas such as their eyelids and forehead. If you are concerned with the upper part of your face also, then a full face lift may be the option for you.

The lower face lift procedure

The lower face lift procedure not only tightens the skin but the lower layers beneath the skin such as the facial muscles. This gives a more natural and longer lasting result. A Lower face lift is carried out under local anesthetic and you will be required to stay in the hospital for 2 nights. Small incisions are made in front and behind the ears, when the skin is pulled tight excess skin will be trimmed away and the incisions will be sealed with sutures.

After care

Whilst you are in the hospital you will be continually monitored by our outstanding nursing staff. Your surgeon will visit you to make sure he is happy with the results and most importantly you are too. He will check your incisions and improvements and advise you on when and how long to wear your compression garment for. A compression garment is required after having lower face lift surgery to reduce swelling. It is important not to get the incisions wet as this will slow down the healing process. You may feel groggy immediately after surgery this is due to the anesthetic. You may also have visible swelling and bruising to your lower face. Effective pain relief medication is administered as you need it so you will not feel pain, you will feel more of a discomfort and certainly tiredness. It can also be common for patients to feel unusually emotional after having facial surgeries this again is due to the anesthetic and nature of the surgery. This would only last a day or two and it is not evident in all cases.

You would be required to stay in Phuket for a total of 14 days when having a lower face lift, this is so you have enough time to recover and visit your surgeon for follow up appointments. When you return home you may still have some swelling or bruising but this will have reduced considerably from the first week after your surgery. You may also still be required to wear your compression garment. Your surgeon will advise you on how long and how often you should wear this.

For more information on facial surgeries or to find out if you are a suitable candidate for any of these procedures please email us directly at [email protected] or submit an enquiry via our website.